Sunday, November 17, 2019


We all have desires and expectations in life that go unfulfilled. It’s not that life is easy for anyone but damn it, sometimes a brother needs to take a break! I worked with a guy that teased me about my “failed” music career as if I had a choice in the matter. To me, a career is something you choose to supply your needs and wants. It doesn’t choose you! The truth is, I was going to play music no matter what and I never really thought of it in terms of a career, anyway. It’s just who I am. I love to write songs and short stories and if someone listens along the way, all the better.  Our daily work life doesn’t offer anything deeper than the monetary value we attach to it.  Truth is, we could all use a lot more creativity and authenticity in our life. If you’re feeling a little burned out, and life seems to be constantly beating you up, take a moment and do something for yourself. Do something you love.  Be the light God made you to be.

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