Thursday, October 28, 2021

Folow on Spotify

As some of you may know, I’ve been blessed to have my music added to Spotify, Pandora, Amazon Music, YouTube Music, and several other streaming platforms. Spotify, however, has given me an artist page that I can edit as I see fit. And to be honest, they’re arguably the most popular streaming service available, so naturally, I promote with them. My distributor offers “free” advertisements through a secondary vendor. And I gotta be honest here, the ads look sweet! So, like any other poor musician with low self-esteem, I signed up! But then came the catch twenty-two. If someone wants to pre-save my songs or follow me, they must first sacrifice their firstborn child to the Gods of Rock and Roll. Well, not their firstborn, but they are asked to allow access to their personal information. WHAT THE HELL! If you clicked the link wanting to hear, follow, or save my music, I’m sorry! I did not know that was a requirement until after I posted the links. Just click this SPOTIFY LINK and I promise you won't have to sacrifice anything.

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